The Chosen Gift Factory GAD Edits 8-23 logo
The Chosen Gift Factory GAD Edits 8-23 logo

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Discounts, Gift Cards, and Freebies

How do I get discounts for The Chosen gifts?

We sometimes offer discounts during our live streams, so be sure to follow us on the following:. ●    Facebook ●    Instagram ●    Youtube

Can I use an expired discount code?

Sorry, no. Unlike the wine at the Cana wedding, once the time runs out on a discount code, it’s gone. Here’s the good news, though, we regulary give out new discounts through livestreams, emails, and Dallas’ text community. If you’re not already in t

A discount was just given on an item I already purchased. Can I still use the code?

No, discount codes are limited to the time period in which we discuss them. Keep an eye on our social media pages, or join Dallas' text community for future discounts.

Does the discount apply to my whole order or just one item?

It depends on the discount. Some are for specific gifts, and others are for entire orders. Just check the details wherever you received the code. Usually, it only applies to one specific item in the order. Other times, but less often, it will be for

How do I use a discount code or gift card?

1.    Select your gifts. 2.    Click CHECKOUT. 3.    Fill in your personal information on the left-hand side of the Contact Information Page. On the right side of the screen, you will see the items you selected, along with a box for the GIFT CARD or

Is there a military discount on gift store orders?

Yes, we offer 20% off for members of the military (including Roman Centurions).

Can I get tax exemption for an order?

Submit this form to request tax exemption for your organization. Our team will review your request and update your account.  If approved, it will allow you to make tax-free purchases through The Chosen Gifts online retail location.